6th Airborne Division - 3rd Parachute Brigade - Brigade Headquarters - War Diaries

5th June 1944
Place: Field
2320 - Bde HQ flew to DZ "V" near VARAVILLE.

6th June 1944
Place: Northern France
0056 - Bde HQ dropped, sticks scattered widely.  Bde. Comd. wounded.
0600 - Lt HAIG THOMAS, 4 Cdo att, killed near BAVENT.
Place: Le Mesnil
0900 - Bde HQ opened area LE MESNIL X-rds area 141728 (Sheet 75/2 1/50,000). 1 CDN PARA BN in same area protecting HQ. Bde Comd wounded in early morning by bomb fragment. Maj W.A.C. COLLINGWOOD, BM; Maj A.A.K. POPE, DAA & QMG; Rev. J. McVEIGH, CF 4th Class; Capt W.E. CHURCH, MO, and Lt D.J. KIPPIN, SLO, missing. Capt J.T. WOODGATE assumes duties of DAA & QMG, and Capt A.T. WILKINSON duties of BM. Capt J.A. WILKES, Sigs Offr 1, and Lt S. GYTON, Provost, missing. Strength (Bde HQ) 9 Offrs 12 ORs; (Def Pl) 1 Offr 26 ORs. 9 PARA BN under comd 1 SS Bde.
2300 - BM and SLO rejoin having come in with glider force.
0400 - Considerable number of PW taken from BREVILLE area together with approx 40 rifles of varying types, 1 MG 34 and amn.

7th June 1944
Place: Le Mesnil
0900 - Total PWs number 152, chiefly POLES and RUSSIANS; sent to Div.
1400 - Commandos withdraw from VARAVILLE forcing us to withdraw Cdn Coy under cover of darkness from ROBEHOMME.
1700 - Div Comd arrives, orders patrols to TROARN on infm of CSM 13 Bn.
2100 - Enemy snipers in vicinity, no casualties sustained.

8th June 1944
Place: Le Mesnil
0200 - 9 Para Bn return to comd of this Bde.
0900 - Enemy resumed sniping and minor attacks on 9 Para Bn and 1 Cdn Para Bn.
1315 - VARAVILLE bombed and shelled by cruisers.
1400 - Capt WILKINSON, IO, killed during counter-attack on enemy. SLO takes over IO.